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Period: World > Lithuania > Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1492 - 1732)

Ducat, 1561, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 16SA21-2 (RRRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 16SA21-2 (RRRR)

Obverse: Second bust. / SIGIS AVG REX POLO M D LI

Reverse: Crowned shield, date at crown. / MONE AVRE MAG DVCA LIT 1561

Ducat, 1560, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 16SA5-2 (RRRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 16SA5-2 (RRRR)

Obverse: Second bust. / SIGIS AVG REX POLO M D LIT

Reverse: Crowned shield, date at crown. / MONE AVRE MAG DVCA LIT 1560

Ducat, 1549, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 16SA4-1 (RRRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 16SA4-1 (RRRR)

Obverse: First bust. / SIGIS AVG REX POLO M D LITV

Reverse: Crowned shield, date at crown. / MONE AVRE MAG DVCA LITV 1549

Ducat, 1548, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 16SA3-1 (RRRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 16SA3-1 (RRRR)

Obverse: First bust. / SIGIS AVG REX POLO M D LITV

Reverse: Crowned shield, date at crown. / MONE AVRE MAG DVCA LITV 1548

Ducat, 1547, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 16SA1-1 (RRRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 16SA1-1 (RRRR)

Obverse: First bust. / SIGIS AVG REX POLO M D LIT

Reverse: Crowned shield, date at crown. / MONE AVRE MAG DVCA LITV 1547

Thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 15SA4-2 (RRRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 15SA4-2 (RRRR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / PHILIPP REX ARAG ON VTRI SICI / IBR

Reverse: Legend surrounded by wreath of laurel, countermark "15SA64". / HILA / RITAS / VNIVER / 15 SA 64

Thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 15SA2-1 (RRRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 15SA2-1 (RRRR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / PHILIP R ANG FRAN NEAP PRI HIS / IBR

Reverse: Legend surrounded by wreath of laurel, countermark "15SA64". / HILARI / TAS / VNIVER / 15 SA 64

Thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 15SA5-1 (RRRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 15SA5-1 (RRRR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / PHILIP • R • ANG • FRAN • NEAP • PR • HIS / IBR

Reverse: Legend surrounded by wreath of laurel, countermark "15SA64". / HILARI / TAS / VNIVER / 15 SA 64

Thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 15SA6-1 (RRRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 15SA6-1 (RRRR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / PHILIP • R • ANG • FRAN • NEAP • PR • HIS • / IBR

Reverse: Legend surrounded by wreath of laurel, countermark "15SA64". / HILARI / TAS / VNIVER / 15 SA 64

Thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 15SA1-1 (RRRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 15SA1-1 (RRRR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / • PHILIP • R • ANG • FRAN • NEAP • PR • HIS • / IBR

Reverse: Legend surrounded by wreath of laurel, countermark "15SA64". / HILΛRI / TΛS / VNIVER / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA15-3 (RRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA15-3 (RRRR)

Obverse: Second crowned bust of Philip II. / PHILIP • R • ANG • FR • NEAP • PR • HISP • / IBR

Reverse: Crowned oval shield with garniture, countermark "15SA64". / POSVIMVS • DEVM • ADIVTOREM • NOSTER / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA14-3 (RRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA14-3 (RRRR)

Obverse: Second crowned bust of Philip II. / PHILIP R ANG FR NEAP PR HISP

Reverse: Crowned oval shield with garniture, countermark "15SA64". / POSVIMVS DEVM ADIVTOREM NOST / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA13-3 (RRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA13-3 (RRRR)

Obverse: Second crowned bust of Philip II. / PHILIP R ANG FR NEAP PR HISP / IBR

Reverse: Crowned oval shield with garniture, countermark "15SA64". / POSVIMVS DEVM ADIVTOREM NOS / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA19-4 (RRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA19-4 (RRRR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / PHILIPP • REX ΛRΛGON • VTRIVS / IBR

Reverse: Crowned oval shield with garniture, countermark "15SA64". / SICIL • ET HIERVSA / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA18-4 (RRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA18-4 (RRR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / PHILIPP REX ARAGON VTRIV / IBR

Reverse: Crowned oval shield with garniture, countermark "15SA64". / SICIL ET HIERVSAL / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA24-4 (RRR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / PHILIPP • REX ARAGON • VTRI / IBR

Reverse: Crowned oval shield with garniture, countermark "15SA64". / SICIL • ET HIERVSAL / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA17-4 (RRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA17-4 (RRR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / PHILIPP REX • ARAGON • VTRI • / IBR

Reverse: Crowned oval shield with garniture, countermark "15SA64". / SICIL ET HIERVSAL / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA16-4 (RRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA16-4 (RRR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / PHILIPP REX ARAGON VTRI / IBR

Reverse: Crowned oval shield with garniture, countermark "15SA64". / SICIT ET HIERVSTΛ / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA21-2 (RR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA21-2 (RR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / PHILIP R ANG FRAN NE PR HIS / IBR

Reverse: Crowned oval shield with garniture, countermark "15SA64". / POPVLO R SECVRITATI / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA12-2 (RR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA12-2 (RR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / PHILIP R ANG FRAN NEAP PR HIS / IBR

Reverse: Crowned oval shield with garniture, countermark "15SA64". / POPVLO SECVRITATI / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA11-2 (RR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA11-2 (RR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / PHILIP R ANG FRAN NEAP PR HI

Reverse: Crowned oval shield with garniture, countermark "15SA64". / POPVLO SECVRITATI / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA10-2 (RR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA10-2 (RR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / PHILIP R ANG FR NEAP PR HISP / IBR

Reverse: Crowned oval shield with garniture, countermark "15SA64". / POPVLOR SECVRITATI / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA9-2 (RR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA9-2 (RR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / PHILIP R ΛNG FR NEΛP PR HIS / IBR

Reverse: Crowned oval shield with garniture, countermark "15SA64". / POPVLOR SECVRITVTI / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA8-2 (RR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA8-2 (RR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / • PHILIP • R • ANG • FR • NEAP • PR • HIS / IBR

Reverse: Crowned oval shield with garniture, countermark "15SA64". / • POPVLOR • SECVRITATI • / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA7-2 (RR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA7-2 (RR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / PHILIP • R • ANG • FRA • NEAP • PR • HIS / IBR

Reverse: Crowned oval shield with garniture, countermark "15SA64". / POPVLOR • SECVRITATI / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA6-2 (RR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA6-2 (RR)

Obverse: First bust of Philip II. / PHILIP • R • ANG • FRA • NEAP • PR • HI / IBR

Reverse: Crowned oval shield with garniture, countermark "15SA64". / POPVLOR • SECVRITATI / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA23-1 (RRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA23-1 (RRRR)

Obverse: First bust of Carolus V. / CΛROLVS • V • ROMΛ • IMPE

Reverse: Eagle with shield of arms, countermark "15SA64". / R • ΛRΛGO • VTRIVS • SI / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA5-1 (RRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA5-1 (RRRR)

Obverse: First bust of Carolus V. / CΛROL(V doubled with S)S V • ROMΛ • IMPE

Reverse: Eagle with shield of arms, countermark "15SA64". / R • ΛRΛGO • VTRIVS • / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA4-1 (RRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA4-1 (RRRR)

Obverse: First bust of Carolus V. / CAROLVS V ROM IMP

Reverse: Eagle with shield of arms, countermark "15SA64". / R ARAGO VTRIVS S / 15 SA 64

Half-thaler, 1564, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund II August (1544 - 1572) Identification: Ivanauskas & Cesnulis, 2016, no. 14SA3-1 (RRR) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 14SA3-1 (RRRR)

Obverse: First bust of Carolus V. / CAROLVS • V • ROM • IMP

Reverse: Eagle with shield of arms, countermark "15SA64". / • R • ARAGO VTRIVS • / 15 SA 64