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Period: World

Half-groat, 1514, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H43F1 (V)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 1514

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :•

Half-groat, 1514, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H43E2 (IV)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). Mote above the Knight (poorly polished die?). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 1514

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :

Half-groat, 1514, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H43E1 (III)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 1514

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). Pellet by the Eagle's leg. / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :

Half-groat, 1514, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H43A3 (VI)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONE(T doubled with A)A : SIGISMVNDI : 1514

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE

Half-groat, 1514, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H43A2 (II)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 1514

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITV(A doubled with )NIE

Half-groat, 1514, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H43A1 (IV)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 1514

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS (: LITV doubled with LITV)ANIE

Half-groat, 1514, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H42B1 (III)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 1( doubled with 3):

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE •:•

Half-groat, 1514, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H42A1 (III)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA : SIG(I doubled with S)SMVNDI : 1( doubled with 3) :

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41BA1 (IV)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA .۰ SIGISMVNDI : 1513

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41AV1 (V)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). Ring below the Knight. / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13 :

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41AT1 (IV)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). Ring below the Knight. / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41AI1 (VI) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S89-4 (RR)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13 •:•

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41AC2 (V)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). Dash above the Knight (poorly cleaned die?). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13 :•

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41AC1 (V)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13 :•

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCI(S : doubled with L I) LITVANIE :

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41W4 (III)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13 :

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : D(I doubled with V)CIS : LITVANIE •:•

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41W3 (III)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA .۰ SIGISMVNDI : 13 :

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVC(I doubled with S)S LITVANIE •:•

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41W2 (III)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA .۰ SIGISMVNDI : 13 :

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE •:•

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41W1 (III)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). A number of small motes above the Knight (poorly polished die?). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13 :

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE •:•

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41V2 (VI)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA : SIGISMVN(D doubled with Ɑ)I : 13 :

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE •:•

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41V1 (IV)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13 :

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE •:

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41U1 (III)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). A number of small motes above the Knight (poorly polished die?). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13 :

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41R1 (V)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13 :

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +M(AG doubled with GA)NI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41N1 (IV)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13 :

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : D(V doubled with S)CIS : LITVANIE

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41I2 (III)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS • LITVANIE •::

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41I1 (I)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). Three rings next to the Eagle's beak. / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE •:•

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41H1 (VI)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS • LITVANIE •:•

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41F3 (V)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). / +MONETA .۰ SIGISMVNDI : 13

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41F2 (V)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). Small mote above the Knight (poorly cleaned die?). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS • LITVANIE :

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41F1 (V)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). Small mote below the Knight (poorly cleaned die?). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :

Half-groat, 1513, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. H41D2 (IV)

Obverse: Knight 3 (Without scabbard). Dot below the Knight (poorly cleaned die?). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 13

Reverse: Eagle 3 (Wings are bent inwards). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE