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Period: World > Lithuania > Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1492 - 1732) > Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548)

Groat, 1535, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 2S2-1 (RR)

Obverse: Ninth Eagle. / SIGISMVNDVS P REX PO M D LITVA

Reverse: Ninth Knight. / MONETA MAGNI / / DVCATVS LITVANI / 1535

Groat, 1535, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 2S165-1 (RR)

Obverse: Ninth Eagle. / SIGISMVNDVS ◦ P ◦ REX ◦ PO ◦ M ◦ D ◦ LITVA ◦

Reverse: Ninth Knight. / MONETA ◦ MAGNI ◦ / / ◦ DVCATVS ◦ LITVAN / 1535

Groat, 1535, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Bagdonas & Huletski, 2021, no. G14D (IV) Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 2S1-1 (RR)

Obverse: Eagle 4. / SIGISMVNDVS ᵒ P ᵒ REX ᵒ PO ᵒ M ᵒ D ᵒ LITVA

Reverse: Knight 6, Columns arms S4. / MONETA ᵒ MAGNI ᵒ / / ᵒ DVCATVS ᵒ LITVAN / 15 35

Half-groat, 1520, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S229-9 (R)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MONETA : SIGISMVANDI : 15Z0 :

Reverse: Eagle 11 (Rounded head). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :•:

Half-groat, 1520, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S214-9 (-)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MOͶETA : SIGISMVͶDI : 15Z0 :

Reverse: Eagle 12 (Neat triangular feathers on the neck). / +MAGͶI : DVCIS : LITVAͶIE •:•

Half-groat, 1520, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S221-9 (R)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MONETA : SIGISMVANDI : 5Z0 :

Reverse: Eagle 11 (Rounded head). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :•

Half-groat, 1520, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S210-9 (-)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MOͶETA : SIGISMVͶDI : 15Z0

Reverse: Eagle 11 (Rounded head). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :•:

Half-groat, 1520, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S434-9 (RR)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MONETA : SIGISMVANDI : 15Z0

Reverse: Eagle 10 (Large beak). / +MAGN : DVCIS : LITVAͶIE •:•

Half-groat, 1520, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S209-9 (-)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 15Z0

Reverse: Eagle 10 (Large beak). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE : :

Half-groat, 1520, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S231-9 (R)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI(: doubled with E) : 15Z0

Reverse: Eagle 12 (Neat triangular feathers on the neck). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :•

Half-groat, 1520, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S519-9 (R)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MOͶETA : SIGISMVAͶDI : 15Z0

Reverse: Eagle 10 (Large beak). / +MAGͶI : DVCIS : LITVAͶIE

Half-groat, 1520, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S206-9 (RR)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MOͶETA : SIGISMVͶDI : 15Z0

Reverse: Eagle 10 (Large beak). / +MAGͶI : DVCIS : LITVAͶIE

Half-groat, 1520, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S205-9 (RR)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI • 15Z0 :

Reverse: Eagle 10 (Large beak). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :•:

Half-groat, 1520, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S218-9 (RRR)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI • 5Z0

Reverse: Eagle 10 (Large beak). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE

Half-groat, 1519, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S533-19 (-)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 1559 :

Reverse: Eagle 8 (Six feathers). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :•:

Half-groat, 1519, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S524-9 (-)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MOͶETA : SIGISMVͶDI : 1519 :

Reverse: Eagle 8 (Six feathers). / +MAGNI DVCIS : LITVANIE :•:

Half-groat, 1519, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S201-9 (RR)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MONEA : SIGISMVNDI : 1519 :

Reverse: Eagle 10 (Large beak). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :•

Half-groat, 1519, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S200-9 (-)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MOͶEA : SIGISMVNDI : 1519 :

Reverse: Eagle 10 (Large beak). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :

Half-groat, 1519, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S203-9 (-)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 519 :

Reverse: Eagle 10 (Large beak). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITANIE :

Half-groat, 1519, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S186-9 (-)

Obverse: Knight 8 (Front legs squeezed tightly, hind legs reduced and almost merged). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNII 1519 :

Reverse: Eagle 8 (Six feathers). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE : :

Half-groat, 1519, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S427-9 (-)

Obverse: Knight 8 (Front legs squeezed tightly, hind legs reduced and almost merged). / +MOͶETA : SIGISMVͶI 1519 :

Reverse: Eagle 8 (Six feathers). / +MAGͶI : DVCIS : LITVAͶIE :

Half-groat, 1519, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S179-9 (R)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MOͶETA : SIGISMVͶDI : 1519

Reverse: Eagle 10 (Large beak). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITANIE :

Half-groat, 1519, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S190-9 (RRR)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 1519

Reverse: Eagle 7 (Crooked beak). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE •

Half-groat, 1519, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S189-9 (R)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 1519

Reverse: Eagle 7 (Crooked beak). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE

Half-groat, 1519, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S188-9 (RRR)

Obverse: Knight 7 (Legs extended inwards). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 151:9 :

Reverse: Eagle 8 (Six feathers). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :•:

Half-groat, 1519, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S184-9 (-)

Obverse: Knight 8 (Front legs squeezed tightly, hind legs reduced and almost merged). / +MONETA : SIGISMNVDI 1519

Reverse: Eagle 9 (Rounded head). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :•:

Half-groat, 1519, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S183-9 (R)

Obverse: Knight 8 (Front legs squeezed tightly, hind legs reduced and almost merged). / +MONETA : SIGISMNVDI 1519

Reverse: Eagle 9 (Rounded head). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :•

Half-groat, 1519, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S182-9 (R)

Obverse: Knight 8 (Front legs squeezed tightly, hind legs reduced and almost merged). / +MONETA : SIGISMNVDI 1519

Reverse: Eagle 9 (Rounded head). / +MAGͶI : DVCIS : LITVAͶIE :

Half-groat, 1519, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S180-9 (RRR)

Obverse: Knight 8 (Front legs squeezed tightly, hind legs reduced and almost merged). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI 1519

Reverse: Eagle 9 (Rounded head). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE

Half-groat, 1522, Vilnius mint

Period: Sigismund I the Old (1506 - 1548) Identification: Ivanauskas, 2013, no. 1S278-15 (R)

Obverse: Knight 9 (Ring on the elbow, rear legs reduced and almost merged). / +MONETA : SIGISMVNDI : 15ZZ :

Reverse: Eagle 12 (Neat triangular feathers on the neck). / +MAGNI : DVCIS : LITVANIE :•: