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Period: World > Arabian Empires

1⁄2 Solidus, 83 AH (703) - 98 AH (717) (Undated)

Period: Globular Issues - North Africa Identification: Friedberg, 2017, no. 5b

Obverse: Latin inscriptions.

Reverse: Latin inscriptions.

Solidus, 83 AH (703) - 98 AH (717) (Undated)

Period: Globular Issues - North Africa Identification: Friedberg, 2017, no. 5a

Obverse: Latin inscriptions.

Reverse: Latin inscriptions.

1⁄3 Solidus, 79 AH (699) - 83 AH (703) (Undated)

Period: Globular Issues - North Africa Identification: Friedberg, 2017, no. 4c

Obverse: Facing portraits.

Reverse: Pillar over steps.

1⁄2 Solidus, 79 AH (699) - 83 AH (703) (Undated)

Period: Globular Issues - North Africa Identification: Friedberg, 2017, no. 4b

Obverse: Facing portraits.

Reverse: Pillar over steps.

Solidus, 79 AH (699) - 83 AH (703) (Undated)

Period: Globular Issues - North Africa Identification: Friedberg, 2017, no. 4a

Obverse: Facing portraits.

Reverse: Pillar over steps.

1 Dinar, 74 AH (694) - 77 AH (697) (Undated)

Period: First Issues Identification: Friedberg, 2017, no. 3

Obverse: One caliph standing.

Reverse: Pillar on steps.

Solidus, 72 AH (692) - 73 AH (693) (Undated)

Period: First Issues Identification: Friedberg, 2017, no. 2

Obverse: Three standing caliphs.

Reverse: Pillar on steps.

Tremissis, 60 AH (680) - 72 AH (692) (Undated)

Period: First Issues Identification: Friedberg, 2017, no. 1a

Obverse: Bust of Emperor Phocas.

Reverse: Palm tree.

Solidus, 65 AH (685) - 71 AH (691) (Undated)

Period: First Issues Identification: Friedberg, 2017, no. 1

Obverse: Bust of emperor.

Reverse: Standing figure.