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Period: Ancient > Eastern Roman and Byzantine Empire > Eastern Roman Empire > Michael I Rhangabe (AD 811 - AD 813)

Tremissis, 811 - 813 (Undated)

Period: Michael I Rhangabe (AD 811 - AD 813) Identification: Friedberg, 2017, no. 189

Obverse: Bust of Michael.

Reverse: Bust of Michael.

Semissis, 811 - 813 (Undated)

Period: Michael I Rhangabe (AD 811 - AD 813) Identification: Friedberg, 2017, no. 188

Obverse: Bust of Michael.

Reverse: Bust of Michael.

Solidus, 811 - 813 (Undated)

Period: Michael I Rhangabe (AD 811 - AD 813) Identification: Friedberg, 2017, no. 187

Obverse: Bust of Michael.

Reverse: Bust of Michael.

Semissis, 811 - 813 (Undated)

Period: Michael I Rhangabe (AD 811 - AD 813) Identification: Friedberg, 2017, no. 186

Obverse: Bust.

Reverse: Bust of Theophylactus.

Solidus, 811 - 813 (Undated)

Period: Michael I Rhangabe (AD 811 - AD 813) Identification: Friedberg, 2017, no. 185

Obverse: Bust.

Reverse: Bust of Theophylactus.